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Export and Order

Once the offer has been accepted, you can export it via the main menu on the left side of pCon.basket Online. A click on Export will open a menu. You can choose one of the following export options:

  • Article List as Excel file
  • Project as CSV archive
  • Article List as CSV
  • OBK File (for further processing in the desktop version of pCon.basket)
  • OBX File (pCon article list for other pCon applications)
  • Order (OEX)

Project as CSV Archive

Export of a ZIP archive including the following files:

  • Article_List.csv
  • Header_Calculation.csv
  • Header_Data.csv

The files follow the structure and content of the worksheets in the Excel export.

Article List as CSV Export

Only the article list is generated as CSV file. Structure and content are the same as on the article list worksheet of the Excel export.

OBX export in pCon.basket Pro and in the Integration edition

In addition to the complete project, a selection can also be exported here:

  1. Select the positions for export in the article list.
  2. Open menu > Export > pCon Article list (OBX).
  3. Export options > Selection only.

OEX order in pCon.basket Pro and in the integration edition

For the OEX export, decide if you want to include the article images:

  1. Open menu > click Order (OEX).
  2. In the Order dialog, set a check mark at Export Article Images.
  3. Complete the order.

Note: Please note that exporting the article images can result in very large files.

en/export_order.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/03 11:26 by fbeetz

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